Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

Health and Safety

I&E Advanced Solution Co., Ltd. has adopted and is committed to a policy on Occupational Health and Safety in the execution of our business activities and will therefore strive to:

  • Prevent injuries to people and property.
  • Identify, assess and mitigate as far as is practical the risk to Occupational Health and Safety associated with our activities.
  • Incorporate into our designs Occupational Health and Safety features.
  • Provide a forum to our employees to continuously improve Occupational Health and Safety awareness to achieve the company’s OH&S objectives.
  • Comply with all statutory Occupational Health and Safety regulations in the countries where we conduct business.
  • Implement and maintain a system to monitor and administer the Occupational Health and Safety policy of the company.
  • Provide information, protection and training to our employees, contractors and members of the public who are associated with or affected by our business activities on Occupational Health and Safety related matters.